Thursday, October 13, 2022

The War Nobody Wanted, But Everybody Wants To Watch

 Now almost eight months into things, the conflict in Ukraine has got many people upset. This of course is an understatement, but there are levels of upsetness which bear defining. One major level of upset, of course, are those in the West who believe the entire episode was "unprovoked," and don't remember there was a treaty put in place several administrations ago, with the Russians, in which the USA agreed they would NOT push for Uiraine becoming a part of NATO, and, that basically the West would leave Russia its basic sense of self-identity and security by advocating for a neutral Ukraine.

The interest many Americans seem to have in a country so far from the United States as to be nearly halfway across the world is apparently all based on video games. Youtube is filled with scenes from the war with brave Ukrainians shooting invader orcs out of the sky, and these clips get hundreds if not thousands of clips, meanwhile, nobody considers that, in that plane going down in flames is a human being, some mother's child, someone who probably didn't necessarily even wish to be in that situation, but for orders they received they were bound to follow.

Death comes to all equally, and it hardly behooves civilized people to cheer on when another of our human family meets their end. Whether or not anyone feels the invaders deserve what they get, the entire episode seems to have been conceived from the mind of a leftover pint-sized ex-KGB cop who still feels it was a horrible thing that the Berlin Wall came down, and thousands of his people, and others living under the spell of the Soviet Union, became capable of entertaining freedom of thought for the first time in generations, if not history. 

On the other side of the coin is the lionized comedian thrust to the spotlight by circumstances who begs for "preemptive strikes" on his enemy by those outside his borders whom he's already begged and borrowed billions in armaments and other benefits from. It's not enough, apparently, to be an overachieving underdog working against an incompetent foe, but the rest of the world must risk nuclear conflagration by escalation -perhaps only military contributions from NATO will satisfy him. He's doing quite well by the looks of it from the help he's already received, and listening to the calls for mulilateral escalation ought to be cause for trepidation and alarm. But more or less, for any of the American public, they're not. They want more, and to see just how well all those rockets and and air ssystems really perform. Because hey they have a lot of stock dollars riding on them!

In back of the Napoleonic ex-KGB cop you have not the Communist Party, they failed and gave up their part in The Center long ago, but the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by Patriarch War Pig. Resemblances to Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri are easy to see- all of them seek to sanctify spiritual suicide to give their sacrificial cannon fodder blessings in Heaven. Allah be praised, here's another bunch of self-satisfied patriots willing to send their younger generation off to the slaughter. These patterns are easy to see in every military society on earth, but, when it's religious leaders who are making the call to war, their religiosity has obviously been tossed to the winds.

This blog had its second largest audience after the USA in Russia. We've been banned there, and we know why. Voices like ours willing to talk to Russian people without demonizing them, willing to hold to the idea that  people are people everywhere, but governments are everybody's real problem, obviously can't be allowed to spread our "lies" to a population their government wishes to keep misinformed. But that's OK. The more ideas like ours get under the skin of the ex-KGB cop and the piano-playing Pericles, the more we  feel validated in our efforts. Frankly it wouldn't matter WHO the world leader is, since most of them are socio-psychopaths in the first place, seeking power in order to either apotheosize themselves, or manipulate large masses of other humans, or both. We are equal-opportunity critics, and if we've limited this current post to the two characters making a mess out of Eastern Europe, then its not like we don't also cast an eye to the nutcases running our own nation. It's just that at the moment, those people will have more of their own problems soon, and we'll have enough to say when the other shoe drops.

The threat of nuclear holocaust should drive everyone to call again for peace between all nations. Give up the video console thrill of remote flame and destruction and ask yourself, how would you feel if the large population center you reside near were pulverized in seconds with megaton intensity, and that big grey cloud looming outside the window held nothing but the ashes of hundreds of your countrymen, and possibly, yes, maybe even your own. (And if so, well, bye-bye window). Gone, in an instant, and if anyone even remembers your name it'll be because someone outside the blast zone has records you once existed. Nobody wants to die in a nuclear war, and the people most anxious to see it happen seem to be riding the rail to be the front row cheerleaders.

That is one reason why I say- militarism and religiosity are mutually exclusive. If the preachers preaching Armageddon would back off and allow the world to live (being as it is, we've pretty much set the planet afire with civilization's carbon footprint, already) and the politicians preaching antagonisms and throwing stones would sit down at the table and talk about working things out, just maybe we could all breathe a little easier. Personally, I hope I'm long gone before the world ends, and would prefer not to be part of the audience if and when it does. And I would hope most of the folks who read this blog will feel the same. "People are people everywhere. It's the governments that are fucked." 

Saturday, April 16, 2022

What's Going On

 Since this little invasion of Ukraine has been going on for fifty days now, and a good percentage of my readership over the years has been from Russia (2.54 thousand hits all time, ranking 2nd among nations) I figure it probably is time for me to comment about it. I recently received a note from Google that this blog cannot monetize if it "spreads any information deemed to be false about the situation in Ukraine." This blog has never actually beeen monetized in any fashion by me, having lost control of navigation into those Google advertising innards when I dismantled a lot of my Google connections some five or six years ago. Nonetheless, Google decides what you should read. And what I want to tell you is exactly what IS happening in Ukraine, and inside of Russia, for any of you still able to read this, in either location.

Well. We have the invasion of a soveriegn nation happening. All historical precedent Russia may claim that it holds Ukraine as something dear to its cultural bosom are false. Ever since the Holodomor, the enforced famine of the 1930's, Ukrainians have held a righteous grudge against Moscow, since Ukrainians have generally been treated as expendable units by every nation ever galloped across their steppes. Mother Russia, I am sorry to say, is a myth which has died as hard as the myth of the Soviet Union. There is no going back to things as they were 500 years ago, not for anyone- not for Muslim extremists in the Middle East and Afghanistan, not for the Germans and any Austrian Empire, not for the Brits and their never-setting sun. It's all over. Ukraine has been a nation of its own over 30 years, and in a similar position to that of the American colonies when they wrested themselves from Great Britain. They have a national identity conciousness which is not going to be eradicated by Putin's minions, his military, nor his hypocritical Orthodox war-pig priests.

Putin's military is going noplace, and nobody needs to fear their invading them anywhere else, since their ineptitude has so blatantly exposed the weaknesses within Putin's heirachical strategies. Not telling your troops what they are doing, where they are going, or what they are expected to do when they get there is no way to guarantee any sort of victory, and many of your Russian troops are righteously deserting, in the face of overwhelming losses in the tens of thousands of their comrades. 

Anyone with any sense would have fled the area to begin with, but the people who have chosen to stay to defend Ukraine have every right to do it. As a pacifist I cannot condone anything other than a worst case survival scenario but people have a right to defend themselves and their territories, especially when their invader seeks to obliterate any sense of individual and collective identity other than that imposed by the "insane Tsar," as he has been so recently and rightly proclaimed. 

At one time it looked, truly, as if Putin was one of the only real rational world leaders. Any of the early advances like the Crimean takeover could be explained out of some historical precedence, yes, but what has been lost on the Russian leadership and "thought-influencers" is just how weak and paltry and in-effective their conservative imperialism is against everything that brought down the Soviet Union from the West. Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll, forever, my friends. Patriarch Kiril vows a holy war, and does not sense himself the sheer hypocrisy of a Christian leader advocating for war, violence, and murder of one's brethren.

The Ukrainians and Russians have along way to go perhaps to sorting out their pasts and collective histories, but one thing is absolutely sure- Russia has not defeated Ukraine, and are doomed to defeat. Putin's "special operarion" is one of the stupidest, ill-thought out, and ridiculous chauvinistic ventures of any world leader since the fall of Stalin and Mao. And it's no joke, people inside Russia are only hearing Putin's side of it.

Your biggest battleship and troop transport ships have been sunk! Six of your generals and an admiral are dead! You cannot assume that your navy can nor will overtake southern Ukraine. Your troops have been defeated as they tried to encircle the capital! The best thing to do is urge upon your leaders a quick and hasty retreat to where you were before hostilities began, since those hostilities were intiated by your leaders, and rest on specious and unsuppported suppositions of the intents and values of the leaders of the Ukrainian nation. Your nation has to learn to live with itself, within itself, and go back to sucking its collective navel in shame, for the criminal destruction of the landscape and population of Ukraine and the deaths of tens of thousands of your sons in battle are not worth the ugliness they have created in the eyes and hearts of the rest of the world.

Those of us who have tried to express brotherhood between nations, as I have myself with persons living in both Ukraine and Russia, can only watch and be horrified by this return to the barbarities that characterized Europe in the 20th C. I have a young friend in Russia of draft-age for whom I have great fears and hopes, that he not be sucked into Putin's and the Russian War-Pigs' machinery- machinery every bit as evil as was that of the American conflict in Vietnam- wars fought by people with no urge to take part in them are wars that cannot be won, either. The values expressed by Patriarch Kiril and other Russian writers echo the same lame quacks of American conservatives of the 1960's- national "honor and pride" forbid them from seeing the tragedy of defeat taking shape before their eyes. All is not as they lead you to believe. Always question what you're being told. World freedom begins with each of us making up our own minds.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


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