The Most Insulting Election in
It’s that season again, folks.
Everywhere across the land, neighbors are oiling their automatics and
sharpening their pitchforks. Yes, it’s another Presidential Election, and it
looks as though this one is bound to be a doozy. In fact, it could be said, we
have never had an election like this in our lifetimes. Just look- One candidate
has been under scrutiny by the FBI for improper use of governmental
communications (and just happened to squeak past judgment, on the
recommendation of a coy FBI Director, who did all but say, the lady is just
stupid, folks) and a real estate con artist up for a civil lawsuit regarding
some shady practices enticing his “students” into tutelage at his “university”-
on charges of fraud. Well. since when have politicians ever been innocent of stupidity
and fraud?
Let us look at the two candidates
which the major political parties have chosen to foist upon us, as this year’s
“choice.” Let’s go with the one who looks
like she leads the pack, because her polls show 75% likelihood of winning
this highly corrupted and incurably evil office, the Democrat, Mrs. Clinton.
You know, I don’t call her the “Teflon Goddess” for nothing. Mrs. Clinton has
been the source of a good number of scandals and political imbroglios over the
years, and yet, somehow, has managed to eke her way past each and every rapid
without nary a scratch. Some would lay claim that this is somehow “proof” of
her incipient innocence of all allegations. Others, like myself, just call it
“1%er privilege”.
It is no secret she has taken great
sums of money from the same big Wall Street donors that gave huge sums to the
election of the current president, who also contributed to the meltdown of
2008, and like the Teflon Goddess, suffered no recriminations from the justice
system for their machinations. Mrs. Clinton’s refusal to release transcription
of the speeches she gave for six figure pocketbook change equals the refusal of
her adversary to release his recent tax
returns. But we’re not at him just yet. She managed, during her term as
secretary of state, to destroy the regimes in at least two nations, engineer
chaos in a third, and create for the US two new bellicosities (Libya and Syria)
and is now setting us up for a shooting
match with another nation with whom we have no actual beef- Russia.
Killgrrl’s recent embrace of a
draft for women assures us that yes, not only will our sons continue to be
brutalized into PTSD situations, but, our daughters too. And what better reason
to start up the roll for the slaughterhouse than another unpopular, undeclared,
presidential fiat war? Of course, operatives of the Democratic National
Committee are already ginning it up, with their so far unproven allegations
that “the Russians” leaked the Committee’s emails to that treasonous Julian Assange’s
Wikileaks. No matter that the emails themselves reveal even more of the sort of
Dirty Tricks Killgirrls’ first Washington job (on the Watergate Committee) was
graciously uncovering on behalf of the American public during the Nixon years. Oh
and did mention she was actually fired
by the head of the committee, Samuel Dash, for being (in his words) “a liar?” But
again, we don’t call her the Teflon Goddess for nothing.
Killgrrl makes a big to do about
how her use of a private email server to conduct official US Government
business as head of the State Department exposes her inherent stupidity as
well. What would get her fired from her local construction company gets her
walking papers from the FBI, and from her erstwhile, belittled, and cheated
Democratic opponent. Is it any wonder
folks feel they can’t trust her? Apparently, the scepter of a “two-family
presidency” just hasn’t struck a shadow of fear enough into a vast majority of
Democrats, as if, the Bush family wasn’t enough in the first place.
And then there is her opponent on
the Elephant party side, in the corner, Mr. Orange Julius himself, Donald
Drumpf (as John Oliver would have us remember, is his natural original
pre-immigration family name). There aren’t enough words, perhaps to describe
him, he must be seen to be believed, but believe me, he is now giving the
Teflon Goddess a run for her money. A conniver, a reality TV star, a Real
Estate mogul (perhaps the second most odious occupation in America today
besides that of politician) whose
business practices are under scrutiny in a court of civil law. Dare we trust another used car salesman at the head of
our nation? At least Mr. Drumpf is making sense on the issue of a “WWIII” with
Russia. he would rather have us gain the support of Russia’ president in
fighting the international threat of ISIS than pick a fight with him. This may
be the only part of his platform that makes sense to me, but indeed it does.
The rest of his program seems to be an inflation of Barry Spybot’s mass
surveillance cyberstate, directed against those of Mexican or Muslim
persuasion, and promising a new Great Wall. Like most operations of Drumpf, it
will have to have his name spelled out in big lights, it will offer 24/7
casinos, and “Princess Towers” every ten miles so you can drive your family there for a great
vacation overlooking the wild and wooly Rio Grande. Of course, he promises that
Mexico is going to pay for it, and not only that, more than likely the labor
involved will be those poor deportees awaiting the next lane back across the
It’s pretty
obvious to me that nobody ever seeks the office of President of the United
States without a long consideration beforehand of the powers attendant to it. Thanks
to Barry Spybot, these powers now include the ability to assassinate anybody
anywhere on the planet, with drones, if necessary, to hold in detention for
indefinite periods anyone consider suspect of “terrorism” (however some future
president chooses to define it) and the ability for the US Army to act in
civilian operations, as they did in Boston, committing house to house searches
while residents “sheltered in place.” These powers ought to be particularly
attractive to a narcissistic egoist like Drumpf, but, having tasted her share
already of some of the benefits of the office (being First Lady just wasn’t good enough) they are damned attractive
to the Teflon Goddess, herself.
Let us look
though a little closer. Nobody honest, and certainly that goes for Mr. Sanders,
who ran an admirable campaign against the Goddess only to sell out when the
chips were down, will ever hold the office of Killer-In-Chief. The office
itself is incurably corrupted and corruptible. Whoever wins it must sell their
soul to the devil- figuratively, or perhaps, even literally- to hold the title
of “most powerful person in the world.” Wasn’t that the very same temptation
offered to Jesus in the desert by Beelzebub? “Dominion over all the nations and
peoples of the earth?” How could you refuse!!! Because the office now wields
these (“awesome”-G. W. Bush- powers) and therefore is no longer a presidency, but a kingship- I feel as though I cannot “consent to be governed” any
longer by any man, or woman, who is
elected to it.
Nay, I do not
feel, as a well informed, educated American voter, that I can offer any consent
at all to any future holder of the office, nor even grant the consent implied
by vote, for the foreseeable future of my lifetime, unless, and until, these
powers are repealed. And who gave Barry these “awesome” powers? Why, a
shitting-their-pants Congress, of both Republicans AND Democrats, afraid of the
terrorist under the bed, drunk on the possibilities that somewhere, somehow,
the US will have to come to grips with some of those very forces they
themselves unleashed on the world- like the Afghan Mujahedin that became Al
Qaeda, the “Syrian Rebels” who became ISIS, or any number of homegrown
whackjobs intoxicated with maladjusted interpretations of the Koran. I cannot, by casting my vote in any
direction, give my consent for these ideas, that the President is a King and
not subordinate to the Congress any longer, nor to accountability under
national and international law. People say it is our civic “duty” to vote. No,
it is not a “duty.”
Voting is a right and a privilege, and it is our right to exercise it where, and when we choose, in secret, and nobody has the right to tell us how or even when we must, if we choose to use it, or not. “Duty “ is something that matters only when you are helping the neighbors take out the invading North Korean Army barricaded down at the end of the block, or getting a jury summons, or filling out an IRS 1040 return. Don’t give me that bullshit about voting being a “duty.” I will vote as, if, and when I choose. And that’s why I come to, in conclusion, saying that, this is the most insulting election in US history. Two very questionable and obnoxious characters are competing for the role of “King and Queen” of the world. And I just don’t buy it.
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