Sure looks like one of them "real barnburners" we're all stuck with coming up to the Erections in a couple weeks- and never before have we witnessed the actual underbelly of the American Mind coming unhinged and blasting off in so many directions... Bad Cops popping off randomly, but with much more frequency, across the nation; President Stumpy daring the Virus to come get him, which it does; goon squads volunteering to "oversee" the polling places.... I mean hey what's not to like about the USA this year? I'm sure glad I don't live in some backward place like Bolivia or Bosnia-Herzegovina!
Obviously President Stumpy most wants to appeal to those Americans of whom Ben Franklin said because they desire security over liberty deserve neither, and if populations get the government they deserve, then perhaps this was all just as God planned it, because Those Americans have gotten noisier and noisier over the years, along with Stumpy.
Well it would be one thing if I had happened to respect what his profession was before election but since Real Estate is anathema to the Indigenous outlook (along with the importation of the European and Oriental concepts of "wealth" and "money" and "commerce") but since I know Real Estate is one profession where everyone must present themselves as exceedingly trustworthy (when their whole industry has been built on theft from the first) by dressing in best "business formal" for PR presentation... I never liked Real Estate people nor even the idea you can buy or sell the Earth Mother itself. Goes to say I couldn't care less about people such as Stumpy himself.
Sigh. So many things went wrong in that going forward of Manifest Destiny over the original Americans and so much of all them are tied into the future demise of our Earth Mother herself, all rapped up in those civilizational tropes. I see and watch as the Arctic sea ice retreats, Greenland and Antarctica's continental ice shelves unmoor and unglue, as wildfires wreck what used to be everybody's ideas of idyllic California Summer dreams...
But why go on? It's duality anyway and more of the Games of mice and men.
Me, I think things are gonna get better. They always do, since "even this too shall pass away..."
The karmic pendulum can never remain on one angle anyway, and so, go vote, or not. It's your freedom and how much you value Life maybe. Things won't get better presto change-o and don't ever kid yourself buster that any new president is ever gonna be the Messiah you keep expecting them to be.
But you know, you can choose to go under in the onslaught, or you can "resist" by ignoring it, and the loud voices of hate you hear coming from left and right, of a country armed to the teeth ready to take each other on on an issue where the only sensible approach would be nonviolence, period. Those loud voices of hate want to eat out your substance and grind you down until you are in the same hole that they are. Don't listen, if they knew anything in the first place they wouldn't be down IN that hole looking up.
Think with your heart., and walk your right dharmic path.
Free your mind and your feet will follow.