“Hey, they took
out the Pentagon!”
Those were the
first words I heard rubbing my bleary morning eyes the morning of September 11,
2001. I was living in the worst
situation I had ever been in in my life- a subsidized bedbug-ridden and flea-trap hotel in
the heart of the Inner Mission in San Francisco.
Curious, I turned on the television, only to see a jet
airliner rushing toward one of the two World Trade Center towers- seen from
street level, the plane smacked into the tower- one other was already on fire,
and the next thing the television showed was dust roiling up the street and
hundreds running for their lives. A live reporter ducking back inside a store
to be out of the way of the dust cloud.
It took a bit of
time to realize exactly what had occurred. Apparently, groups of hijackers had
set out to hijack several airplanes in US airspace and sent them in different
directions- two had hit the WTC, one had just hit the Pentagon, where the news
cameras showed a big chunk like a piece of pie bitten off a Pop Tart- and over
Pennsylvania, another plane being piloted by the best friend of an old high
school friend of mine was also now being driven into the ground…
My father had
lived for a decade or more on and off in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as a
construction consultant to various socially beneficial projects of the Saudi monarchy. After his
time spent with the San Francisco District of the Army Corps of Engineers, he
had been hired on by a group called Parsons, and had spent his time flying back
and forth, every year or two, to his home in Santa Rosa. He had become
interested in the culture through the writings of T.E. Lawrence, and yet, had
often written me letters complaining “you really ought to see all the stupid laws they have here.” My
two adoptive sisters accompanied him- they didn’t enjoy it much there either.
But my father had
remarried to a woman who thought the Saudi culture was just absolutely
wonderful. Hiding inside her hijab, she could be escorted places on the arms of
a man, and driven here and there like a princess. Our system of justice, she
was fond of saying , was inferior to theirs, “because it’s swift.” Maybe heads
getting lopped off, and hands getting stumped, appealed to a woman who didn’t
hold to one particular country as a citizen- as a "dual citizen"- a subject of the
United Kingdom and the United States, it was often impossible for me to tell whether
she was a Patriot or a Tory. Obviously, the Hitlerian type of justice available and administered to the average Saudi didn't offend her in the least.
On September 11th
at the time of the incident she was at her gynecologist, and so was my Dad,
waiting outside. I was able to reach him within an hour or so, and he gave me
his impression. Certainly both of
us felt sick to our guts at the things unfolding on the television. As it came
out that the hijackers were indeed, extremist pro-sharia jihadis, we got a
little chance to smirk at the mindset that sent them off to meet Allah.
Certainly having heard my stepmother’s ludicrous opinions years earlier, and putting up with her taunts about my own war-resistance, now I
had something I could toss back in her face as needed…
The next few days
were interesting of themselves. I was working at an environmental lobbying
group, where most of the colleagues were ten to twenty years my juniors. Their reactions ranged from “horrible and sickening” to
outright laughter (on the part of one New Yorker) at the idea of thousands of
other New Yorkers so disastrously deluged. As though it were little more than a disaster movie playing out in real life.
“What is it about you New Yorkers, makes you 'don’t give a f about your fellow human beings'-?” I fumed.
Another colleague
mused it “was all our fault”, another felt "chickens were coming home to
roost” and “oh, we’ll fall, alright.” I couldn’t believe it. The United States
had not been attacked in such a fashion since the War of 1812 (Pancho Villa
doesn’t really count, I had a grandfather who rode against him, and he was small
potatoes compared to the Bin Laden Gang). Others at the office, being chronic
Bush-Haters, would find their own reasons to say things which were
characteristically PC – in a situation where PC seemed damn irrelevant. Being human & Earthling seemed a lot more important than being American or any other kind of polity.
I had not been a
Bush-Hater. While those kids in the office just months before were beside
themselves with laughter at the thought of the President choking on a pretzel, I was
not amused. “You really want Dick Cheney for President?” I asked, “because that
is just what you’d get.” I never hated
George Bush, no. I did feel hella sorry for him, (although pity is a much better word for it). However, being as intellectually
challenged as he was, as well as a mediocre personality, surrounded as he was by puppet masters like
Cheney, who obviously called most of the shots.
I even thought “Wanted: Dead or
Alive” was a decent approach to the Bin Laden Problem. We didn’t yet know that
Bush would wimp out on that promise
to the American people, by letting Bin Laden go when they had him cornered in
Tora Bora a year later.
But I hoped they’d
track the guy down, handcuffed and hogtied, put him on trial in New York City,
and frog march him off to the Electric Chair, or, failing that, that he might
get hauled up, stuffed into a black sack, by a crane hoisted over the Ground Zero spot and
pilloried via megaphone with the taunting voices of Hilary Clinton, George Bush, Mayor
Giuliani, and Governor Pataki. Then perhaps sent off to Sing Sing to rot without much but bread and water, anonymous and forgotten. Martyr to nobody, reviled and discarded like
the evil wretch he was.
But neither of
those things happened. Instead, a lot of other
things did, and we got: two wars that
have given the country a three trillion dollar deficit, a dozen imprecations to
our civil liberties, from the way we travel about our own country, to the
denial of even the most minimal legal representation within the Gitmo facility
for the perps, and a lot of other things I don’t even care to mention, they all
seem so ludicrous. But worst perhaps in my mind, the fact representatives of the United States government and military took part in torture... The lessons of Nuremburg have been lost on succeeding generations of American leaders, apparently. Patriotism being the first refuge of scoundrels, it’s easy
to see them for who they are, for the faces they showed that day, and in the
months and years that followed.
And in coming months, as America made the unprecedented move
of firing on and invading a country that
had not acted belligerently upon it (Iraq); at least one of my office colleagues
also made a remark to the effect that the war in Afghanistan was- on some
level, “a war for music” – something I wholly agreed with... Who would want to live back in the dark
ages, in an age where joy is suspect, where women aren’t even allowed the
opportunity to go to school to learn the simplest things? Where radios are as suspect as they were in Vichy France? The Taliban were
truly evil, we concurred. And while it might have been a fight for “feminist
ideals”, you sure didn’t see too many “feminists” signing up to go and fight it,
even if it was their war to win. War
being the stupidity of the human race that it is, at least people were learning
from the lessons of Vietnam- that there might be a great many good things worth
dying for, indeed a lot more worth fighting for, but- in the end, there’s
nothing worth killing for.
It (the September
11th attack) also spawned a lot of needless paranoia. Bob Dylan once wrote a song called “Let Me Die In
My Footsteps”- back at a time when everyone in the US was ready to run for a bomb
shelter as soon as those Godless Soviets sent over their “nukular” missiles. I
think the advice given there and then holds just as well and true today... Don’t be afraid to walk around in your
own country. Chances are any terrorist cells here are mainly (primarily) composed of
tenderfeet who couldn’t find their way around it as they could a paper bag. Don’t let them intimidate you- that,
after all, is exactly what they want! Live your life, love your loves, make
your day worth remembering. Even if (the odds are a lot less than the
possibility of your being hit by an asteroid, or a Yellowstone mega-eruption)
you did manage to become the victim
of a terrorist plot, at the least, in
some way (and it is the most cynical fashion!) you could feel you had “died for
your country.” (I’ve always hated
that expression. Nobody “dies for
their country, they get murdered for
it!) You won’t lose your good karma, I guarantee it.